April 5- 6, 2003 – Sat & Sunday

Night of the Murder – Speculative Timeline

As physically paced-out, driven, measured on 02/05/23, by Francis Paul Ripp & Nancy R Koerner

denoting real-life timing of distances

April 6th, 2003 – Sunday  Central Standard Time

12:00AM Midnight 

1:20 AM – Jarius calls Brandon from Pick-n-Pay at C.R. 12 and C.R. 49. (10 min.)

1:30 AM – Jarius arrives near BEBO’s, and parks his car in adjacent parking lot. Brandon picks him up, but stops at Bebo’s before they take off. (5 min.)

1:35 AM – Debra Fudge sees them. They leave.

1:47 AM – Brandon and Jarius pull under canopied section of trees on C.R. 49 about 1 ½ miles north of Pick-n-Pay. (12 min.) [This is the “alleged murder site.”]

1:55 AM – Jarius kills Brandon, strangulation by ligature. Jumper cables could be seen as likely murder weapon. Unknown. Never checked for DNA.

2:00 AMJarius loads Brandon’s body into trunk. (OLD TIME)

April 6th, 2003 – Sunday Central Daylight Time

3:00 AMJarius loads Brandon’s body into trunk. Leaves for Uncle Steve’s (24 min) (NEW TIME)

3:24 AM – Jarius arrives at Uncle Steve Heard’s place, looking for Damien, who is in Panama City. Talks to Steve, removes speakers from Brandon’s car, puts them in back seat, and leaves for Tonya’s. (6 min.)

3:30 AM – Jarius leaves Uncle Steve’s, and arrives at Tonya’s, taps on window, Bubba goes out. Jarius has put Brandon’s disassembled speakers on front porch. Bubba sees Jarius is in Brandon’s car and smells a rat. Jarius insists Bubba should hold the speakers for him. Tonya protests, but to no avail. Speakers are put in her bedroom. (10 min.)

3:40 AM – Jarius leaves Bubba and Tonya’s, who are unaware that Brandon’s body is still in trunk.

4:00 AM – Meanwhile, Crystal and John Wayne Mixson leave Emily Price’s place in Lake Forest, and drive to Tonya’s. John is Tonya’s brother and lives there too. (20 min)

4:20 AM – Crystal and John Wayne Mixson wake Bubba up to score cocaine from him. Tonya is mostly incoherent.

4:35 AM – Crystal and John Wayne Mixson leave.

4:44 AM – Jarius reaches I-10 (29 min.) drives to Gautier/Van Cleave exit (44 min), drives north to Pine Grove, to where intersects at Grasshopper Point. (4 min.) Total of 77 minutes.

4:45 AM – Crystal and John Wayne Mixson get pulled over by police traffic stop. Officer Wendell Thomas does not arrest them, but tells Tonya to drive, because Mixson is drunk, and they change places.

4:54 AM – Jarius dumps Brandon’s body (10 min.)

4:56 AM – Jarius had a false start, realize he needed to dump the trunk liner, and then took off for the trip home. (2 min.)

5:01 AM – Crystal and John Wayne Mixson have now been written up by Office Wendell Thomas who records the time of the traffic stop, documented at 5:01 AM CDT.

6:26 AM – Jarius reaches home (1 hr. 29 min.) – having stopped 10 minutes for gas. This corresponds exactly with Cynthia’s testimony saying. “…the sun was about to come up.”

6:30 AM CDT – confirmed sunrise Sunday, April 6th, 2003, 6:30am CDT


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